5. NEWS

2017 aasta juunis esilinastunud Terje Toomistu pöörne dokumentaalfilm nõukogude hipidest kogus ligi 3000 vaatajat kinodes üle Eesti. Filmi teemaks on lääneriikides sadu tuhandeid noori hullutanud ja kogu maailma raputanud hipiliikumine 1960-70ndatel aastatel jõudis omamoodi kujul ka teisele poole raudset eesriiet. Noorte meeli haarasid raadio teel ja althõlma leviv rockmuusika. Rõhuva süsteemi varjus kujunes lillelaste liikumine, mis hargnes salajase niidistikuna mööda toonast Nõukogude Liitu. "Nõukogude hipid" on pöörane ja tugevalt unikaalsetel ning ennenägemata arhiivimaterjalidel põhinev lugu lillelaste elust. Omamoodi roadmovie'na on see sõit Nõukogude Liidu hipiliikumise jälgedes. Režissöör Terje Toomistu lugu viib vaataja 1970ndate psühhedeelsesse undergroundi, kus rock-muusikast joovastunud pikajuukselised noored lõid range režiimi kiuste oma maailma. Süsteemi, milles püüeldi rahu ja vabaduse poole. Aastaid hiljem võtab seltskond Eesti hipisid ette teekonna Moskvasse, kus siiani tähistatakse lillelaste püha 1. juunil. Film kulgeb mälestuste radades, mille käigus elustub ajalugu. Filmi režissöör-stsenarist on Terje Toomistu, produtsent Liis Lepik, monteerija Martin Männik, operaator Taavi Arus, helikujundaja Seppo Vanhatalo, animaator Priit Tender. Filmi levititas Menufilmid OÜ. "Nõukogude hipid" on Eesti-Saksa-Soome koostööfilm, mille valmimist on toetanud Eesti Filmi Instituut, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Hasartmängumaksu Nõukogu, Hooandjad, MDR/Arte, YLE, AVEK, ERR. Filmi tootjaks on Kultusfilm, kaastootjad Kinomaton Berlin ja Mouka Filmi.
UKRAINIAN FILM DAYS IN TALLINN Menufilmid will bring the best of Ukrainian contemporary cinema to Estonia The Ukrainian State Film Agency, the Estonian Film Institute and Menufilmid report that on February 18–23, the Ukrainian Film Days will take place in Tallinn, Estonia. During the festival, the Estonian audience will see some of the best of contemporary Ukrainian cinema for the first time, including the commercial it The Guide (Povodyr) which premiered late last year and broke box office record in Ukraine. “The selection of the titles for the Ukrainian film Week in Tallinn was not deliberate. We tried to choose the films, which can allow our Estonian audience to get the understanding of the diversity of Ukrainian cinema,” said Philip Illienko, the CEO of the Ukrainian State Film Agency. “That is why we choose “The Tribe” by Myroslav Slaboshpytsky and “The Guide” by Oles Sanin without any hesitation – these features were the most important events in our film industry in 2014 – the first one became the worldwide festival hit, receiving over 30 prizes on international level including Cannes and EFA award, the second set a new box-office record for national production on Ukrainian theatrical market.” Edith Sepp, CEO of the Estonian Film Institute said that the purpose of the Ukrainian Film Days was to make the Estonian audience acquainted to the contemporary Ukrainian cinema. „In particular, we can say that Ukrainian cinema is good European cinema,“ Sepp said. „The program of the festival consists of a colorful variety of different styles and genres by a lot of internationally awarded contemporary Ukrainian filmmakers.“ A high-level Ukrainian cultural delegation will be visiting Estonia during this period. Delegates will include the head of the Ukrainian Film Institute, and directors and actors from the films being premiered. The festival programm, put together by the Ukrainian State Film Agency, includes seven films – a mix of features and documentaries, including modern contemporary drama and comedy. The main organizer of the film festival is a team from Menufilmid, a regional distributor of European films, in cooperation with the Ukrainian State Film Agency and the Estonian Film Institute. The festival is being supported by the Ukrainian Embassy in Estonia and the Ukrainian Cultural Center in Estonia. The festival will take place at Artis Cinema in Tallinn (www.kino.ee).


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